

[Either Bob or Toby]

I've been deeply interested in dolphins since 1995, when I was 13 years old. They are fascinating creatures, and they inspire passion in human beings that captures my interest nearly as much as they themselves do. While stuck very inland in Missouri, I pacified my own passions by collecting books on dolphins – here you can see my dolphin books & papers collections. I was only waiting though, until I could more actively pursue a career studying dolphins and other marine mammals. That desire is one of the main reasons I chose to go to New College, and it was a good choice! If I work very hard, I think I can make my dolphin dreams into reality.

Dolphins at EPCOT's Living Seas - photos I've taken of Bob and Toby.

A photojournal entry of my first dolphin-watching trip on the R/V Suncoaster with Mote Marine Lab's Offshore Cetacean Ecology Program.

Sketchy journal and photographs from my Summer 2002 Internship.

Photos from the Miami Seaquarium.

Cetacean Labyrinth – a searchable collection of cetacean links.

Whistled vocalizations paper - a college research paper I wrote reviewing some of the work that's been done on dolphin vocalizations, particularly signature whistles.

Dolphin Media paper - Another paper/project done for a college class. A simple start to what may be a long term project.

Several pieces of my artwork depict dolphins, and both my short stories and some of my poetry are dolphin themed.

[Waiting to dive]

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