A few places to get started. E-mail me suggestions for more.

The first place to go is of course our own Virtual Library. Access to on-line databases is a wonderful thing.

Do not forget that we also have access to the Sarasota County Library System. Mote Marine Labs has a library that we can use as well.

There is an amazing annotated bibliography to just about every cetacean book, audio or video ever made. (Not many papers though.) It was put together by the friendly and knowledgable Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, and I've been grateful to her for years.

You are of course free to borrow any of my dolphin books. Note that not all the books listed are here at New College, but most are. I also have a large collection of papers and magazine clippings, newsletters, and a handful of video and audio. I have a collection of dolphin weblinks as well. It's a mess, but still a starting place.

For those of you with long-term academic interest in marine mammals, check out the Florida Marine Mammal Student Association.

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