About Ryan
Ryan is a 23 year old substitute teacher with a degree
in history from New College of Florida. As much as he
enjoys the high-intensity world of the substitute, he
plans on obtaining a doctorate in American history and
penning a book or three before going on to rule the
world. He was born in Dade City, Florida, and was
raised in West Palm Beach and Royal Palm Beach. He
faced all the challenges of the private Christian
school known as the King's Academy with aplomb before
escaping in his junior year to graduate with honors
from Wellington High School. His dog, Tresy, is
devoted to him to the point of mauling anyone else who
comes near him.
Ryan enjoys selecting and collecting Hawaiian shirts,
the care and maintenance and artistry of Converse
hi-tops, reading almost every book ever printed since
Gutenberg, watching and criticizing and vicariously
living professional wrestling, making witty comments
at movies, eviscerating popular culture, formulating
increasingly ornate conspiracy theories, slaughtering
a wide variety of villains in a number of video games,
freaking the mundanes, summoning the goblins,
gathering the water, and dancing with wolves.
He knows how many times and in what contexts Dr.
Colossos has appeared on "The Simpsons", he can
deliver a flawless Tazzmission, he speaks fluent pig
Latin, and he is suspected to be Kaiser Soze.