The earliest incarnation of Eclipse's website went on-line in 1996. It was hosted at Geocities. It was almost entirely text. In many ways, the style has remained similar. That site had blue text on a black background, and descriptions of different areas as if they were actual places. It had a section of personal information, a section about dolphins, one on homeschooling, and a library section with poetry.
Like most things, it evolved over time. Soon it was expanded to become a shared site for me and Turquoise, my romantic partner at the time. He had a section of personal information and some art and poetry in the creativity area. I made a simple banner for the top. I attempted to create translations of the site into Hawaiian, and a few other languages, but this project proved to be too ambitious.
By 1998 a mirrorsite was hosted at cybercities which, at the time, offered for free, unlimited free space with absolutely no advertising.
Finally in 2000, when cybercities ceased responding for several weeks and geocities was becoming increasingly advertising heavy, the site was moved to my best friend Platypus's server, Paradoxical. Turquoise and I went separate ways, and the site became exclusively mine again.
The next major change took place in late 2002, when care of the domain and related services passed on to Ari and hir server Polis. Meanwhile, I started redesigning the site, taking advantage of cascading style sheets, and finally adding some real graphical design elements.
In mid 2003, I finally took the time to go through the site and make it conform to strict XHTML 1.0. I moved the site back to Paradoxical for accessibility reasons.
For more details, you can view old site updates.
Look back.