No description
Last changed on 09/20/05. This album contains 76 items.
This album has been viewed 741 times since 06/23/05.
No description
Last changed on 06/23/05. This album contains 24 items.
This album has been viewed 617 times since 05/06/05.
I move to Portland, get a beautiful house and a new job, and run around with the people from Winch-on-Green.
Last changed on 01/02/05. This album contains 237 items.
This album has been viewed 1520 times since 09/07/04.
Another summer in Florida! Goofing off, the pool, the beach, up to New York City for HOPE V, scuba diving.
Last changed on 10/24/04. This album contains 231 items.
This album has been viewed 1809 times since 05/29/04.
I'm working in New College's Environmental Studies Program, doing environmental ... stuff. More than four parties, two visits from Nick, and Florida splendor.
Last changed on 10/24/04. This album contains 402 items.
This album has been viewed 1699 times since 01/12/04.