Five Minutes of Summertime

It's something electric
Something like freedom (freedom electric)
A twist in the rhythm, the pull of reflection
Five minutes of summertime
Alive in your arms

Pure salt water melody
Fill my chalice with your energy
(Fly from the light, flow thru the night)
Five minutes of summertime
Tide in your eyes

When I'm here there's harmony
The waves crash sweet (fly over me)
A desire I just can't describe
(frequency live)
Five minutes of summertime
Whistles in rain

Now snow's falling, (somewhere, somewhere)
The world drops in sleep -
The network is stilled
it's just you and me.
A cry over waters,
someone is lonely.
(still... (still..still..))
five minutes here, the waves crash so high,
fingers curled tight, tight around mine, a splash in the waters,
(ohh) I start to run...

You key in a signal, I slip in the sand, claws on the terminal,
Please understand.

(darkness, it's winter now
 one synapse fires, don't (don't) be lonely...
 ever... (always)...
 (I should have known you'd follow me))

Five minutes fade,
'til eternity -

                                                       -- E(lipse